1 Moulded-case circuit breaker may be used as main devices in panel boards and switchboards but cannot be used as sub feeds or branch breakers because they do not provide wire protection.
2 QLine and TEB molded-case circuit breaker have a 10,000 amp symmetrical short circuit withstand rating when protected by a fuse or circuit breaker rated 10,1000 amps IC or greater and whose ampere rating does not exceed the ampere rating of the circuit breaker.
3Protective device must be on line side of molded-case circuit breaker.
Availability: | |
1 Three-pole,600 volt circuit breaker cove 2-pole,600 volt and 2-pole and
2-pole,480 volt switches.
3 The maximum withstand rating is limited by the application to the value set forth in this table or the short circuit rating of the upstream fuse or circuitbreaker, whichever is less. The upstream protective device must have an instantaneous trip function or element and its rated capacity may not exceed that of the switch.
Short-circuit withstand rating
Molded-case switchcatalog number | Maximum ratingprotective device 3 | Short circuit withstandrating | |
Voltage | Amps | Amps rms Sym. | |
TQL,TQB,TQC21Y60 | 120/240 | 60 | 10000 |
TQL,TQB,TQC 21Y100 | 120/240 | 100 | 10000 |
TQL,TQB,TQC22Y60 | 240 | 60 | 10000 |
TQL,TQB,TQC22Y100 | 240 | 100 | 10000 |
TQL,TQB,TQC32Y60 | 240 | 60 | 10000 |
TQL,TQB,TQC32Y100 | 240 | 100 | 10000 |
TEB111Y100 | 240 | 100 | 10000 |
TEB122Y100 | 240 | 100 | 10000 |
TEB132Y100 | 240 | 100 | 10000 |
Molded-case switches Short-circuit withstand rating
Molded-case switch | Protective device 4 | Short circuit withstand rating | |||
Ampere rating | Catalog number | Type | Max.Amp rating | Amps rms Sym. | Max. voltage |
100 | TED113Y100 | Any fuse or circuit breaker rated 10000A 240V | 100 | 1000 | 240 |
100 | TED134Y100 | TED134100 | 100 | 14000 | 480 |
100 | SEDA36AN0100 | See Note6 | 100 | 20000010000025000 | 240480600 |
150 | TED136Y150 | TED136150 | 150 | 14000 | 60 |
TED134150 | 150 | 14000 | 480 | ||
150 | SEDA36AN0150 | See Note 6 | 150 | 20000010000025000 | 240480600 |
225 | TFJ236Y225 | TED,THED TFJ,TFK,THFK | 150 | 1400014000 | 600600 |
225 | 14000 | 240 | |||
250 | SFDA36AN0250 | Class J FuseSee Note 6 | 400 | 200000100000 | 480 |
250 | 25000 | 600 |
1 Three-pole,600 volt circuit breaker cove 2-pole,600 volt and 2-pole and
2-pole,480 volt switches.
3 The maximum withstand rating is limited by the application to the value set forth in this table or the short circuit rating of the upstream fuse or circuitbreaker, whichever is less. The upstream protective device must have an instantaneous trip function or element and its rated capacity may not exceed that of the switch.
Short-circuit withstand rating
Molded-case switchcatalog number | Maximum ratingprotective device 3 | Short circuit withstandrating | |
Voltage | Amps | Amps rms Sym. | |
TQL,TQB,TQC21Y60 | 120/240 | 60 | 10000 |
TQL,TQB,TQC 21Y100 | 120/240 | 100 | 10000 |
TQL,TQB,TQC22Y60 | 240 | 60 | 10000 |
TQL,TQB,TQC22Y100 | 240 | 100 | 10000 |
TQL,TQB,TQC32Y60 | 240 | 60 | 10000 |
TQL,TQB,TQC32Y100 | 240 | 100 | 10000 |
TEB111Y100 | 240 | 100 | 10000 |
TEB122Y100 | 240 | 100 | 10000 |
TEB132Y100 | 240 | 100 | 10000 |
Molded-case switches Short-circuit withstand rating
Molded-case switch | Protective device 4 | Short circuit withstand rating | |||
Ampere rating | Catalog number | Type | Max.Amp rating | Amps rms Sym. | Max. voltage |
100 | TED113Y100 | Any fuse or circuit breaker rated 10000A 240V | 100 | 1000 | 240 |
100 | TED134Y100 | TED134100 | 100 | 14000 | 480 |
100 | SEDA36AN0100 | See Note6 | 100 | 20000010000025000 | 240480600 |
150 | TED136Y150 | TED136150 | 150 | 14000 | 60 |
TED134150 | 150 | 14000 | 480 | ||
150 | SEDA36AN0150 | See Note 6 | 150 | 20000010000025000 | 240480600 |
225 | TFJ236Y225 | TED,THED TFJ,TFK,THFK | 150 | 1400014000 | 600600 |
225 | 14000 | 240 | |||
250 | SFDA36AN0250 | Class J FuseSee Note 6 | 400 | 200000100000 | 480 |
250 | 25000 | 600 |