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HWK3 Series Control And Protection Switching Appliance (CPS)

HWK3 series control and protection switch appliances are mainly used in the circuit of AC 50HZ (60HZ.  rated working voltage to 690V. Rated working current 1A to 125A, motor power 0.12KW to 55KW, mainly used for the on-off control of the circuit, and Fault protection of line load.
HWK3 series switches are widely used in the following occasions or systems:
Industrial and mining transportation, hospitals, schools, commercial and residential buldings and other distribution and motor protection and control systems;
Information data and communication. Power distibution and motor protection and control system for water supply and drainage, ventilation, lighting and other systems;
Motor control center (MMCI and power distribution center of vanious units;
The fire control system of a building provides control and protection for circuits such as fire pumps and fire fans.
  • America

Model and meaning

HW K 3 → ① ②/③ ④/⑤ ⑥ ⑦

HWK3; product series code (HW-YUANKY, K-control and protection switch, 3 design serial number)

①:Shel-level current (INMI: 45A. 125A

②: Breaking capocity code (ICS): C--15KA.Y--35KA

③:Load nature code: M-motor protection, L-distribution protection

④:Rated working current (I旧) (A:, 100.125

⑤: Auxiliay contact code: 06-3 normally open 2 normally closed +1 foult trip +1 foult alorm (fire fightingl

⑥:Control power supplyvoltage IUS: Q-400V (380V1. M-230V20...

⑦: Add-on function code: basic type without code, F-fire type, L-leakage type, T-communication type, G-isolated type Note: All HWK3 series products are isolated type without G

Product features and advantages

Structure optimization: HWK3 series switches adopt a modular integrated structure, which integrates the main functions of circuit breakers, contactors, overlood relays, starters, isolators and other products. One product can replace the original multi-component combination.

Miniaturi2ation: The width of the HWK3 switch is smaller than similar conventional products on the market, reducing installotion space.

Reliability improvement: high operational reliability and high short-circuit breaking capacity: the controller uses digital processing technology. accurate measurement. and strong anti-interference ability.

Perfect protection function: the switch has many protection functions such as phase failure, overcurrent. locked rotor. short circuit. undercurrent. overvoltage and undervoltage. three-phase unbalance, start delay. etc, and the motor has protection schemes for starting, running and stopping. No protection function is missing.

Specific functions The product has the function of restoring preset values and self-tuning to meet the needs of users.

Complete specifications: HWK3 has basic type, fire protection type, leakage type, communication type, etc.. all the products of the series have isolation function.

Solution: Derivative products are diverse: reversible motor controller (HWK3N. Star-delta decompression starter (HWK31), auto-coupling decompression starter (HWK3Z1. two-speed motor controller (HWK3DI, etc. to meet the needs of different occasions.

Product performance index

Model (Shell Grode) HWK3-45 HWK3-125
Products meet standards GB14048.9.、IEC60947-6-2
Rated working voltage Ue 400VAC、690VAC、50Hz、60Hz、
Rated insulation voltage Ui 690V
Rated impulse withstand voltoge Uimp 4kV 6kV
Conventional heating current lth (A) 16 45 80 125
Rated working current le (A) 1 3 6 12 16 25 32 45 63 80 100 125
Use category AC-41、AC-44
Rated breaking capacity Ics AC400V:C-15kA,Y-35kA       AC600V:4kA
Pole number 3P
Electrical life AC-43 1 million times 300.000 times
Mechanical life 10 million times 3 million times
Working system (intermittent working systeml Level 300 load factor 40% Level 120 load factor 25%
Product type Basic type,fire protection type,leakoge type.communication type,isolation type tstandard for all
Protective function Overload,short circuit,locked rotor,undercurrent,unbalance,phase failure,overvoltage
undervoltage,start delay
Derived products Double-speed motor controller,reversible motor controller,star-delta decompression starter
outo-coupling decompression starter
Applicable environment 1.Basement,machine room,dark and damp 2.Simple control box for industrial and mining.high
Pollution level Level 3:Conductive pollution,or dry non-conductive pollution becomes conductive due to
Environmental temperature and humidity Compliance)-5℃-+40℃.90%,(Reliability)-25℃-+70℃.80%
Terminal screws 8.8 grade

Switching current and motor power

Model Rated working current eI A Owersod setting current ronge lr(A) Controilable motor power P(kW)
HWK3-45 1 0.4-1 0.12-0.3
3 1.2-3 0.37-1.2
6 2.4~6 1.0~2.7
12 4.8~12 2.2~5.5
16 6.4-16 3.0-7.5
25 10-25 5.0~12
32 12.8-32 6.5-15
45 18-45 9.0-22
HWK3-125 63 25~63 12~30
80 40~80 22~37
100 50~100 27~45
125 63~125 35~55

HWK3 function parameters

HWK3 switch controller function parameters can be set as follows:

■Factory preset value: The contoller of CPS switch has been set according to the requirements of factory preset value" in the table when it leaves the factory:

■Factory requirements setting: The user specifes the setting requirements when ordering. and the factory settings should be set as required when the switch leaves the factory;

■Operation settings: Before the switch is operated, the function porameters should be adjusted and set according to the actual circuit load and requirements;

■Restore factory sttings; Turn on the "Restore factory sttings" function, the switch parameter sttings will be restored to foctory preset values"; Adaptive tuning: Turm on the "Adoptve tuning" function. the switch will automatically adjust the overlod current value (IRI according to the circuit lood, and other setting porameters remain unchanged.

HWK3 function parameters

Motor protection type (M) switch stting

Festures Parometer settirg Delay setting Foctor defaut USer Can set
Foult status output Remarks
Setting current Ir. (0.4 -1)le
1.0xle (0.4 -1)le

Overload protection F0.F1,F2,F3.F4 See table
F1 F0.F1,F2.F3,F4 Delayed trip/alarm
Short-circuit short-time
(3~12)lr 0.3~0.6s 8lr/0.4s (3~12)lr Delayed trip/alarm
Short circuit
Type 45 (6~16)le Instantaneous 14le (6-16)le Instantaneous trip
Type 125 (6~14)le 12le (6-14)le
Unbalanced (phase-off)
(20%-80%)+(0) 1-40s 30%/10s (20%-80%)+(0)  Delayed trip/alarm Fire-fighting phase-
off delay releas
Undercurrent protection (0~0.8)lr+(0) 1~60s (0) (0~0.8Nr+(0) Delayed trip/alarm
Us230V (154V~198V)+(0) 1~30s 176V/10s (154V~198V+(0) Delayed trip/alarm Fire-fighting delayed
trip below 132V
Us400V (266V-342V)+(0) 1-30s 304V/10s (266V-342V)+(0) Delayed trip/alarm Fire-fighting delayed
release below 240V
Us230V (230V-286V)+(0) 1-30s 264V/10s (230V-286V)+(0) Delayed trip/alarm
Us400V (400V-496V)+(0) 1-30s 456V/10s (400V-496V)+(0) Delayed trip/alarm
Start delay (0-99s)+(0) 0-99s 3s (0-99s)+(0) During start-up delay
some functions are
shielded and short circut
instantaneous trp

Stall protection (5~9}lr+(0) 0~50s (0) Hide menu Delayed trip/alarm
Residual current
(30~500mA)+(0) 0.1~1s 100mA/0.1s (30~500mA)+(0) Delayed trip/alorm


1) Communication and leakage are optional model functions; communication adopts RS485 communication line, RJ45 interface, Modbus protocol;

2)Cortoller overlod protection curve (1.5Ir action time sk FO (close overoad protectionl, F1 (511. F2 (981. F3 (144. F4 (200)

3)Over/under voltoge protection of the contolle, its power signal is token from the control terminalUslA1--A2k

4)For the user can set the setting parameters not listed in the parameter column. it can be done in the hidden menu when setting is required;

5) The residual current is set to the gear forrmat: 30, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200, 300. 500 (mA;

6)When the function parameter in the table is set to 4O0. it means that the function is of. the controller has no foult status output. and the disploy shows *0*.

HWK3 function parameters

Motor protection type (MI switch seting

Features Parpmetersetting Delay setting Factary defaut user con set
Fault status output Remarks
Setting current lr. (0.4~1)le 1.0xle (0.4~1)le

Overiood protection F0.F1,F2.F3,F4 See table
F1 F0F1F2.F3.F4 Deloyed trip/olarm
Short-circuit short-time
(3-12)lr 0.3-0.6s 8lr/0.4s (3-12)lr+(0) Delayed trp/alarm
Short circuit
Type 45 (6~16)le Instantaneous 14le (6~16)le Instantaneous trp
Type 125 (6~14)le 12le (6-14)le
Unbalanced iphase-off
(20%-80%)+(0) 1~40s 30%/10s (20%~80%)+(0) Delayed trip/alarm Fire-fighting phase-
off delay releas
Undercurrent protection (0~0.8r+(0) 1~60s (0) (0~0.8)lr+0) Delayed tnp/olarm
Us230V (154V-198V)+(0) 1-30s 176V/10s (154V-198V)+(0) Delayed trp/alarm Fire-fighting delayed
trip below 132V
Us400V (266V-342V)+(0) 1-30s 304V/10s (266V-342V)+(0) Delayed trp/alarm Fire-fighting delayed
releose below 240V
Us230V (230V~286V)+(0) 1~30s 264V/10s (230V~286V)+(0) Delayed tnp/alarm
Us400V (400N-496V)+(0) 1~30s 456V/10s (400V-496V)+(0) Delayed trip/olarm
Start delay (0-99s)+(0) 0-99s 3s (0~99s)+(0) During start-up delay.
some functions are
shielded and short circuit
instantaneous trip

Stall protection (5~9)lr+(0) 0~50s (0) Hide menu Delayed trip/olarm
Residual current
130-500mAl+(0) 0.1~1s 100mA/0.1s (30-500mA)+(0) Delayed tnp/alarm


1) Communication and leakage are optional model functions: communication adopts RS485 communication line, RJ45 interface. Modbus protocol:

2) Controller overload protection curve (1.51 action time sk FO lclose overload protectioni. F1 (131. F2 (24), F3 (48). F4 196;

3)Over 1 and under voltage protection of the controlle, its power signal is taken from the control terminal Us (A1-A2:

4)For the user can set the setting parameters not isted in the parameter column, it con be done in the hidden menu when setting is required;

5) The residual current is set to the gear format: 30. 50. 75, 100. 150. 200, 300.500 (mA):

6) When the function parameter in the table is set to (OL. it means that the function is turned of. the controller has no foult status output. and the display shows“0*.

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